python 2.7 for Max OS fix


brew rm python && rm -r $(brew --prefix)/lib/python2.7

brew install --verbose python

Mac OS 关机加速脚本

自从更新了奇葩的Mac OS 10.10.* 系统之后,我只想说呵呵呵呵,关机的时候菊花转个不停,让人十分的头疼,不知道如何来解决,经过一番百度,发现有点儿地方在搞乱,转个东西要稍微的搞一下就好了,所以就写了个比较方便的脚本来方便使用,不会写奇葩的程序,就会写个奇葩的脚本。


echo "输入密码,开始加快关机速度"

#sudo defaults write /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ ExitTimeOut -int 2

#sudo defaults write /Syste......

Reindent Text in Sublime

Quick tip: Sublime will reindent code for you and usually does a pretty good job. You can find the option in the menu if you go to Edit → Line → Reindent. You can do this for a single line or a block of code. It’s useful if you need to change a document from using spaces to tabs, for instance.
